Wednesday, May 23, 2012

ONE NIGHT STAND EVENT, Hincks Dellcrest Foundation, May 24 Evening

I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer!  
Tomorrow evening Hincks-Dellcrest Foundation will be having an amazing event at the Steam Whistle Brewery called ONE NIGHT STAND: Take a stand for children's mental health.  Information as follows and tickets can be bought online or at the door, or you can email me to let me know you are interested.  

Link to their website, for tickets and information: 

I also need to add as I know many of my acquaintances and friends who are in the creative field and others can't afford art supplies, let alone tickets for an event, but...
a) this is a cause dear to my heart and I will keep on supporting mental illness awareness regardless,
b) this is 'the' event to be at for young successful professionals in Toronto, so if you want to connect and network, enjoy amazing music, drinks, finger foods as well as prizes, and stay current, it may be worth the price of the ticket.  You never know who you might meet or what may come of these opportunities so have a think, and maybe you will join us for a fabulous evening!!!

Thank you truly for your time and I will speak to you soon (*^_^*)


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Los Angeles 2012 Trip

Looking onto a highway, palm trees swaying with the wind, blue skies dotted with a few clouds, I am writing this post from my hotel room in West Los Angeles.  It is a huge change from when I left Toronto; there was light snow as I departed.  I have a box of lucky charms next to me.
What a trip it has been... that is such an understatement!  I'm only here until Saturday and I feel I've lived here for a month already.  Always challenging and learning as I go.  I wanted to shoot this off before I meet up for coffee/tea and then meet a client of mine for supper tonight.  This morning I walked, and browsed took in the smells of Jasmine and other living organisms.  I think people can tell right away that I am not from around here as I get many stares 'I know I'm weird, its okay, I'll just smile and keep on going and doing my own thing'.  

Although I am here mainly for business, next time I think I will stay in an area where I feel more like I could be on vacation, maybe nearer to the ocean or downtown even!  These curtains make the window appear much larger than they actually are...
And the view from my room is...
A beautiful highway:)  But there are palm trees in the frame!!!

I have met some wonderful individuals, and the Soap Plant/Wacko Building where La Luz De Jesus Gallery resides was an experience.  I could spend a whole month locked up in there and still keep on seeing and finding fun new things, and the books; yep, I bought one... *Baggage allowance!* (oh yeah...) this always happens.
And check out Scott's work, I could just feel the texture of the acrylics in his work, a bit interesting as I wanted to eat the work too... but it would probably bite back with a vengeance!  So cool: be ready to salivate but then feel the strange disconnect and get the fight or flight response:)  

I better get going but thank you for tuning in and I will try to post soon.  

*Big Smile*