First some interesting/curious facts:
When you set things in motion, everything else seems to start snowballing and there is an increase in momentum. And here are few things that have entered the mix...
Clover (my cairn terrier) is really cashing in this year with a four hundred and some dollar check/blood/cytology vet visit last week, it gets better, tomorrow she is going under the knife, fetching in at a nice nine hundred some dollar vet bill, CHA CHING *pull lever*... she will be okay, it is nothing life threatening (cross fingers and knock on wood), she is my little bearded lady:)
Doing the print design for the upcoming solo exhibit, I realize I am going cross eyed! Vectors, photo shop, illustrator, files, lines, colors, options, alignments, dimensions, layers, and pixels are a bit too much for my painterly eyes; I start yelling at the screen asking why can't it just mix the darn pigments together to create a new color, or do what I say!!! To no avail, I ask for professional advice, from one professional graphic designer, who gives me professional input, here is the professional's website: He has the skills I don't in the graphic design field. *GRIN* (oh, just said it, yes, I've admitted to something I can not do). So here is me cross eyed:
And the print design:
Then I am assuming you'd ask: "What the hell is that snowman in the middle?" That is one graphic ojizo (the Japanese divinity that I talked/talk of ad nauseum these days). Super cute, I think:) But for those of you whom I have snail mail addresses there will be a surprise, *wink*, yup, if you would like to receive one in the mail for your surprise please email me your address to or Thank you. Link to sight where you can check out the new design:
Next on the agenda, I have been sent images of the outfit I will be wearing on the opening (April 6th), the fashion designer with whom I am collaborating with from the Netherlands, and WOW, I am so amazed with how this is turning out, truly an honor to be collaborating with her! The images will come when the time is right:) Please stay tuned and subscribe to get email updates.
Youtube: I've been uploading videos on my youtube channel: For some of you this may come as a shock/surprise as you'll probably see another side of the various facets of who I am, yes, I can be quite out of the ordinary (aside from the fact that my first ever drawing I did in life was that of a blue Power Ranger... yeah... more about that later). Anyways, the channel has garnered some good interest: as of now I have over 600 subscribers and almost 100,000 views, so I think that is a positive thing:)
I also just got an email saying I have been nominated for the "Versatile Blogger Award" on the Sketches & Jottings Blog: Thank you, I truly appreciate that!!!
I am sure I'm missing a few other things, but, for now I am moving forwards, and that is truly something I am extremely grateful for, as years ago I had to re-learn how to live again (going to the grocery store amongst many other things, but right now I'm hungry and have dinner on my mind, hehe), but what a journey it has been!!! "HOLY SHIT, I'M DOING IT", is about spot on.
How are we liking the Union Jacked ass?
Now I need to go make supper so I shall leave it at that:) I will definitely be updating/uploading further so please do follow/subscribe/etc. Thank you so much for tuning in.
Those shorts make me proud to be British!