Here are the new website additions and features in both English and Japanese -
EVERYTHING IS CONSOLIDATED, INCLUDING THE BLOG, ON THE WEBSITE: it maybe a pain in the butt to have to click the subscribe button on the site but all art and mental health/illness/anti-stigma awareness blog posts will no longer be on this blogspot.
Please take a tour of the new website and subscribe for all updates.
What am I going to do with this blog?
I'm not really sure yet, but probably anything else the website doesn't cover, a more personal journal of sorts, for example: interesting images of daily life, Clover, products I am using, fashion, things that don't fit in on my website, happenings... etc.
So if you don't want to get email updates about the extra bits and bobs (unrelated to art/mental health/illness/anti-stigma/etc) then please unsubscribe to this blogspot.
I apologize for any inconvenience or change, but this is definitely necessary for me to grow and move forward as an artist, advocate, and business; to BE as much as I can be:)
We'll take steps and move forwards together. Thank you so much for your support and interest, I am forever grateful.
Subscribe to new website, blog post updates, interesting info, news, and goodies pertaining art and mental health here: (if you haven't already from the link above). Thank you(*^_^*)
Kindest Regards,