Sunday, June 7, 2015


While I go about searching and applying for possible work opportunities of good fit, many questions come to light allowing discoveries and new found ease in being (which is separate from lacking worry or anxiety due to the uncertainty of security; but over the years you learn to feel them as they come, and let them go, as focusing on it will only intensify stress and wont help matters).  

I find myself in a different place where I am not sharing too much of myself; instead focusing on nurturing and protecting this odd gift of pure authenticity, compassion and a powerful way about me that seems to influence and move individuals to be their best selves (good or bad), an encouraging spirit where I share a piece of my soul and heart, that when tampered with can affect equilibrium.

I never thought of myself as 'mysterious', but there have been a few instances here in Toronto where others have commented that they find me mysterious.  It is not my intention, this is just how I'm being in the present, but I'd say I'm more cautious, careful, and discerning.  You protect that which can get hurt or are fragile.  Whilst to the outer world, physically, things seem settled and its as if I haven't even left traveling the world at all, internally is another story and I know from experience that time and patience are the only antidote.  I'm carefully processing, observing, listening, and  being selective as everything percolates.

In times like these I tend to resort back to creating; there are a few things on the table that I am considering and working on.  

I have been exploring and getting to know Toronto all over again, enjoying the summer weather and finding footing.

Searching, discovering, recalibrating.  



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