The years in Toronto, Canada (14 years to be exact) were in part spent going to University (York University majoring in Psych and Dance), ending a professional classical ballet career, and starting up a visual arts career, but most significantly facing my truths and that which caused destruction beyond the darkest hell imaginable (there are no words to describe that/it), dying a many deaths, being revived numerous times, and being around the best professionals and facilities (although still like Swiss cheese with many holes to fall through and get lost, never as good as mainstream medicine) to help me regain
from the Canada Post stamp competition where a limited number were printed (originally from a painting I did, UNPREPARED IN WELLIES, see here:カラフルな瞬間/)
HOPE, and the possibility of any future at all.
The last time I was in Tokyo were of good but also horrific memories, where I had to be flown to Toronto in an emergency situation, with many doors left ajar. So naturally (ok, its a bit far out...), you challenge yourself and face that which haunted you, and never thought you'd ever have the opportunity to revisit.
What is it about life that keep us going despite all hardships? There is something to be said about human nature, but all too often the small gifts and treasures are overlooked for wars, greed, and dishonesty. How to move forward as empowered individuals, with broad perspectives, to work together for a better whole?
There is exuberance in the possibility that lie ahead. Right now I'm in Tokyo but ultimately I'd love to have a place next to the ocean in a modest space where I can write books and create art, maybe even own a little cafe where those of like minds can congregate, with art on the walls and books lining shelves. That dream seems like just that; a dream, but I also know that the place I stand now was once a dream.
Forever grateful for life's adventures.
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