Relay race in kindergarten.
I have been a sprinter since I can recall; I never went through the crawling phase, stood up and started tottering around on foot when I was nine months old. Although it may have seemed a positive development, from another perspective I had weaker arms. There are always pros and cons, the many angles to life's happenings and developments.
Hey, varsity track and field in high school.
As I am getting ready for my first solo exhibit I am realizing that my 'give it all I've got, at all times, to everyone' sprinting ways are not the most conducive to life's journey (which most of the time is a lengthy process of progress and evolution). At the same time being who I am, I don't think I will ever be able to not give everything my fullest and complete attention, effort and heart.
So I remain wondering how then do I keep from getting tired/exhausted/burnt out while sprinting?
-I've learnt that the corporate world is definitely not for me, neither are the systems in society like schools. Unless I am able to reconfigure and sculpt it accordingly (but usually these systems are not that flexible).
-I am aware, hyper-sensitive to signs and sensations that I know to look out for.
-Remember to breathe.
-I schedule time out for myself from the 'doings' in life to recharge and nurture, heal, and prepare. It can be anything from a vacation to just sitting in bed before I go to sleep.
-I stay organized. And try not to procrastinate.
-Remember to eat, and sleep.
-Write or draw things out either in a notebook or journal or drawing pad.
-Laugh often. It relieves tension.
-Listen to music.
-And keep the positive affirmations flowing in my head, especially when traveling uphill, on unsteady ground, low on fuel, or decrease in capacity.
-Another aspect that helps is to have a support system, one or a few people you can talk to about things wracking your brain. If you don't have anyone to speak to/with, maybe facebook or tweet about it, sending it off into the universe... although this is risky and can backfire depending on content.
-Big hugs and an encouraging word or comment make an impact; we don't do this enough in the world.
-Create a positive dialogue with the self instead of negative destructive critical noise that seems to keep playing.
-Surround yourself with genuine people.
-Stay in touch with your passions and meaningful subjects which are interesting and enriching to your soul.
So, as I keep fine tuning the balance of creating art and spending time on the business aspect of art, I take it one step at a time and keep training to become a long distance marathon runner as well as a sprinter; interchanging the two, and adapting as I go, and being in tune with my well being.
Clover during three day long photo shoot at my place full of studio lighting, and 'lamp shade' like apparatus that she loathes. She has dealt with it her own unique way; giving me the constant 'I can't believe how long this is taking, I am not pleased, you better be feeling guilty' look.
Also, for my upcoming solo show I have chosen to raise awareness for children and youth mental health with The Hincks-Dellcrest Center:
The music for the opening event will be organized with DJ Floh Back:
I have just sent out material for an article on TORJA: Toronto and Japan cultural magazine: as well as a bit on E-Nikka, a part of Nikka Times, Toronto Japanese community news central:
Further details and news will be updated in depth and up to the event as they happen. Thank you for reading and going on this journey with me!
Simple make up for photo shoot.
More to come, I only have this shot from the shoot last weekend:)
Big Hugs,
Have a good morning...